Stand Out and Be Remembered: Using the Von Restorff Effect in Design – CV Span

Stand Out and Be Remembered: Using the Von Restorff Effect in Design


Ever noticed how you’re more likely to remember something that sticks out from the crowd? That’s the Von Restorff effect in action. It’s like when you’re in a room full of people wearing black and white, and someone walks in wearing bright red—you’re bound to remember them!

This is entirely cognitive bias that influence human perception and behavior, the Von Restorff effect stands out as a fascinating phenomenon. It reveals a fundamental aspect of how our brains process information amidst a world of stimuli. Understanding and leveraging this effect can significantly impact various fields, from marketing and advertising to user experience design.


The Von Restorff effect, named after psychiatrist Hedwig von Restorff who first documented it in the 1930s, essentially states that when presented with a list of similar items, an individual is more likely to remember the one that stands out or differs from the rest. This could be due to its uniqueness, distinctiveness, or isolation within the context.


The Von Restorff effect, also known as The Isolation Effect, predicts that when multiple similar objects are present, the one that differs from the rest is most likely to be remembered.



Von Restorff Effect for Design and Communication

  1. Visual Distinction for Key Information: Incorporating this insight into design and communication strategies is paramount. Whether it’s a marketing campaign, a user interface, or educational materials, making important information visually distinctive can enhance recall and engagement.
  2. Restraint in Visual Emphasis: However, it’s crucial to exercise restraint when emphasizing visual elements. Overloading a design with too many contrasting elements can lead to confusion or visual clutter, diluting the effectiveness of the Von Restorff effect. Balancing contrast with coherence is key.
  3. Accessibility Considerations: Designers must also consider accessibility needs. Relying solely on color to convey contrast, for example, may exclude individuals with color vision deficiencies or low vision. Incorporating multiple cues beyond color ensures inclusivity without sacrificing effectiveness.
  4. Sensitivity to Motion: In an era where motion graphics and animations are prevalent, it’s essential to consider users with motion sensitivity. While motion can effectively draw attention, it may also alienate or discomfort certain segments of the audience if not implemented thoughtfully.
  5. Aesthetics and Usability: The relationship between aesthetics and usability is complex. Studies have shown that people are more tolerant of minor usability issues when the design is aesthetically pleasing. However, visually pleasing design can also mask underlying usability problems, potentially hindering user experience optimization efforts.
  6. Uncovering Hidden Issues: Recognizing the potential for visually pleasing design to obscure usability issues, it’s crucial to complement aesthetic considerations with rigorous usability testing. By actively seeking feedback and conducting usability assessments, designers can uncover hidden issues and ensure that form doesn’t overshadow function.



Here’s how to use it without making things complicated

  1. Make Important Stuff Pop: Want people to remember something? Make it look different. Use colors, fonts, or sizes that stand out from the rest.
    Keep It Simple: Don’t overwhelm people with too much stuff. Keep your design clean and focused so they know what’s important.
  2. Think About Everyone: Not everyone sees colors the same way. Some people might miss out if you rely only on color. Mix it up with different ways to make things stand out.
  3. Mind the Motion: Moving things can grab attention, but they can also make some people feel dizzy. Use them carefully.
  4. Looks Aren’t Everything: Pretty designs might hide problems. Make sure your design not only looks good but also works well for everyone.
  5. Test It Out: Try your design with real people to see if it’s easy to use. Fix any issues you find.


By using the Von Restorff trick wisely and considering everyone’s needs, you can create designs that people won’t forget in a hurry.

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1. Before receiving a certificate of completion as a Product Designer, participants in this program must complete all five stages.
2. Every stage has three projects and two quizzes, and all participants are expected to complete them all because failing to do so will affect their scores, which will determine whether or not they advance to the next stage.
3. To improve the effectiveness of our learning process, we implemented two quizzes, two minor projects, and one large project at each stage. The quizzes are graded at 15%, the minor projects at 10%, and the major project at 50%. To advance to the next stage, participants must average a score of 50% from stages 1 to 3 and 70% from stages 4 to 5. Don’t worry; our dependable tutors will guide you through the process.
4. We understand your hectic schedules, so please notify your tutor in advance if you will be missing any sessions so that you can catch up on what has been taught previously. You should also be informed that moving on to the next phase requires you to complete and submit your capstone projects within the time frame specified.
5. Any tutee who requests a special timetable to accommodate their learning pace may be charged by the tutor. A fee is required to cover the administrative costs associated with providing this service.
6. Failure to submit a completed project within the allotted presentation time will result in a mark reduction for that project. Unless the tutor had granted permission ahead of time.
7. Any tutee who has been demoted due to inactivity will only be considered for the next cohort if the number of applicants falls within the range of people allotted for that stage.
8. Please refer to the countdown timer on the school page for information on when each session and stage will begin and end.
9. Participants who are unable to complete assignments within the allotted time will be given an extension but will face mark deductions. If a participant does not submit their work within the one-week grace period, it will be assumed that they did not complete their task, and they will not advance to the next stage.
10. The availability of stage tutors, who are members of other design communities and may be involved in other professional activities, determines the grace period for each stage. If the tutor or reviewer grants a grace period, their grades will be reduced by around 20% for each day they fail to have their project reviewed.
11. Only if the tutee does not repeat the class will the promotion’s covered tuition remain valid. Every student who enrolls through the promotion and then repeats a course must pay the regular course fee.
12. Payment of the monthly subscription lasts only for that month and cannot be rolled over. Do as much as you can to make use of your study plan in the allotted period.
13. Classes are held every weekday from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
14. Tutees are expected to have accounts on Telegram, WhatsApp, and Google for their training.